10 Fragen an… Michael (ryustyler)

1. Who are you, where are you from and what are you doing?
Hi I’m Michael, a Taiwanese-Australian artist/photographer. I started #deliciouskicks on IG a few years ago and have collaborated with some brands/boutiques for their sneaker and streetwear projects.
2. Your shoe size?
I’m a US10-10.5.
3. When did you first come into contact with sneakers and which pair sparked your passion for shoes?
The first pair that really sparked my interest was the Nike AF-1 Low „White on Whites“. They were just clean and got me started on other AF-1s back in the mid 1990s.

4. Latest pick up?
The John Elliott x AF-1 that recently restocked.

5. How many pairs do you own?
Honestly, I’m too scared to count. As long as everything fits in your home, it’s all good right?

6. What has been your most expensive purchase so far?
The most expensive pair would probably be the Nike AF-1 „Entourage“ which was featured on the TV show of the same name. In that episode, the main characters go to many lengths to get a highly sought after shoe designed by a fictional designer, Fukijama. In real life, legendary designer Mark Smith designed that pair for the show.

7. Top 3 of all time and why?
It always changes and very difficult to choose 3 out of all the shoes I love.
8. Your favorite brand(s)?
I like everything. I love the handmade quality of Diadora and Kangaroos. Nike and Adidas will always have classics and cutting edge technology. New Balance and Asics have such great lifestyle pairs.
9. Is there any situation related to shoes that you regret?
Being prudent with my spending is def a lesson I had to learn early on and figure out which purchases to prioritize . There will always be pairs that wasn’t just meant to be. Being able to move on without looking back when I missed out on a shoe has been a healthy attitude shift.
10. If you could only wear one shoe for the rest of your life – which one would it be & why?
Perhaps the Asics GL-V. They are stylish, versatile, and a great everyday pair to walk in.

Thank you so much Michael, for taking the time and your interesting answers!
In zwei Wochen gibt es die nächsten 10 Fragen.
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